Finefair Ltd works to deliver a variety of helpful services that can meet the requirements of our clients. We even work with London’s local authorities to help offer more options for lettings. Working with them can be an excellent way for landlords to find the right tenants and ensure they receive rent. People love dealing with us because they know we are one of the top businesses specialising in letting to councils Hackney has. You can come and talk to us if you are thinking about doing business with your council.
Working with private tenants
Most people make the decision to let their properties to private tenants. This may not be an easy job for them though. It can require a lot more work than many people expect, especially new landlords.
Every landlord has to take on a number of responsibilities. For one thing, they must ensure that tenants can legally inhabit the structure. In addition, they need to make certain the property is safe. There are also requirements from the local council that they have to meet. This can include getting a licence and abiding by its conditions. On top of all this, they have to maintain the property and collect rent.
Landlords often worry about void periods too. During this period, there are no tenants in the property. If voids go on for a long time, it can result in a fair amount of lost rental income. Any time when there is no tenant can be even more worrying if the landlord is relying on the rent to cover costs and pay a mortgage.
Working with local councils
Instead of letting privately, a landlord can look at another option; working with councils. As the top name for letting to councils Hackney has, we know all about how these arrangements work. We can say with full honesty that it can be a safe, rewarding alternative.
The majority of UK councils need properties they can use. They have people on their housing lists that need homes. It is impossible to build new houses quick enough to keep up with demand. As a result they are usually willing to work with property owners.
An arrangement with a council can reduce many of the concerns a landlord has. For example it means you don’t need to think about how you will find tenants and what will happen during voids. Plus, you can avoid jobs such as property management, rent collection, and more.
A lot of property owners don’t let to councils because they are unaware that it is even an option. However, most of them have their own specific schemes to find the properties they need.
The majority of the agreements are similar in many respects. Basically what you do is let the council use your property, giving them the responsibility for choosing tenants and managing the tenancy. You remain the property owner and get paid a set rental rate. The schemes can vary in terms of the amount you receive and how long they last. Some can be a single year whereas other councils want longer agreements.
Experience of letting to councils in Hackney and beyond
Finefair Ltd has spent years working with councils from all over London. In fact, we are a chosen partner for many of them. When we begin working with them, we start by finding out what properties they would prefer to get their hands on. Then we can advise our clients and any other property owners that contact us. Ultimately we can help to facilitate deals that benefit both sides.
So, if you are thinking about what to do with your properties, why not let us help? We can help to arrange letting to councils Hackney landlords can rely on and have similar relationships with other local authorities. As a result you can take advantage of our expertise and the benefits it offers. To learn more, feel free to get in touch with us.