Many property owners make the decision to alter their assets. Doing so can be beneficial since it can increase the value and ROI. What you might not know however is that there are rules to adhere to. For example, you must make certain you can make the changes. If you can’t, expect to suffer penalties. Finefair Ltd has been working with clients for years, offering advice about this topic. We have had the pleasure to work alongside countless individuals who want or need to enhance their properties. Our team can give you details about the permitted developments Brent allows.
Understanding PDRs
When you do alter a property, you must get planning permission in many cases. Due to permitted development rights (PDRs) though, it is not always necessary. These come direct from the government. They minimise the level of red tape that exists around specific things. In some places for example, you can build an extension without needing planning permission. This is because it won’t affect the environment or annoy the neighbours.
If your future plans involve changing your property, we recommend starting by looking at the available PDRs. If they apply to your project, they will save you a significant amount of money, effort, and time. You will have to be careful though and must look at the locale’s specific rules, Brent in this case. Local authorities have a habit of changing PDRs. Using Article 4 Directions, they can even remove them completely. Sometimes, it will be unclear if your plan is going to be permitted development. You should contact the local authority in this case.
Development restrictions
Another fact about these developments is that they can be limited. As we have already said, the Article 4 Directions can do this. However, there are other things capable of limiting the permitted developments Brent council enables. There are things like tree preservation orders, listings, and conservation areas. Such policies exist so we can safeguard the biodiversity and heritage of our areas.
If there are any local or statutory listings on your property, you will need planning permission for your projects. This is particularly true if demolitions or extensions are involved. You may not be able to do anything that will make big changes to properties that have a listing.
Tree preservation orders and rules to keep the biodiversity of a location also restrict what you can do with certain properties. You are going to need permission for projects that influence habitats and trees with TPOs.
Contact our team about permitted developments in Brent
The team at Finefair Ltd knows that changing a property can increase its value. In London especially, this is true as there is not so much free room to build more homes. We have no shortage of experience helping people who are considering projects such as these. They could be looking at a HMO conversion, change of use, or extensions.
We will offer assistance to the clients as they look into the options for permitted developments Brent has available. There could be some great opportunities for you, whether you have a small portfolio or a large one. If you choose to move forward, we will also be able to give you all sorts of help.
So, please get in touch with us if you are interested in working with our company.